Vanessa Camozzi

Just another weblog

Do not pump gas at Citgo in Pentagon City unless your military!! October 18, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — vanessacamozzi @ 12:21 am

So the other day I went to fill up my car at the Citgo near Pentagon City. This is convenient location for me, and was the first time I had ever been there, since I am fairly new to my surrounding areas. So I preoceeded to fill up my tank with about $30 dollars worth of gas, and dashed inside to grab a sugar-free redbull and a pack of extra chewing gum. The man behind the counter asked me for my military id, which I proceeded to tell him I did not have due to the fact that I am not in the military. He then scolded me and asked “didn’t you see the signs!”( I also think he meant to add idiot at the end of that sentence, though apparetnly he bit his tongue) and I said no, I saw a few signs on a few pumps but there is no large sign saying this is for military personnel only..He then sort of agreed by saying that they did need bigger signage, though he promptly informed me that I could only pay for my gas and would not “allow” me to have the red bull and chewing gum. I felt as though I had just commited the crime of the century. I apologized perfusely and left the premises immidiately. Then on my drive leaving there, I thought to myself I remember reading somewhere that Citgo is owned or has ownership by the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez (you know that guy who called our pres “El Diablo” or The Devil. Hmmm so why are we filling our military vehicles through Citgo from a guy who seems like such an “angel” and has a clear and concise apparent love for the U.S. and our president. Just thought it was a bit odd that’s all folks…


Starting Over October 11, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — vanessacamozzi @ 7:24 pm

Starting school again can really be a daunting experience. I graduated from college about 4 years ago and now I’m starting back up again. I am just embarking upon a master’s program called Interactive Journalism. I’ve never considered myself a really tech savvy person, and sometimes instinctively I want to turn and run the other way. My first class is in HTMl web coding. I can say I’ve learned enormous amounts of information and having never really done it, I can also say it’s very complex and difficult, but this is where the future is headed towards! I have to learn to embrace it and utilize it. Just thinking about the future amazes me of what will come next. So I guess starting over can be a good thing even if there are a few curveballs thrown your way. And now I can say I speak English, Spanish, and XHTML since it is another language! Though by no means am I fluent, like any other language I think it would take years to actually comprehend this stuff.